Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Create a spreadsheet – part 1

Lesson goals:

  • Enter data into a spreadsheet
  • Understand the concept of rows, columns, and cells
  • Create a bar chart
  • Create a formula

1. Start Appleworks and select Spreadsheets.

2. Put a header in the spreadsheet with your name and today’s date. Select Format and Insert Header.

3. Enter the following data into the spreadsheet, starting with titles in row 1.

Adult animals

Lowest weight

Highest weight

Gray wolf






Red fox



Fennec fox






4. Select Edit and then Select All.

5. Select Options and then Make Chart.

6. Select Bar from Gallery and then OK.

7. Chart should appear in spreadsheet. Move it under your data.

8. Update the Dingo’s lowest weight to 25 and highest weight to 50. See how the chart automatically updates.

9. Add a column, by entering the title “Mean weight” into cell D1.

10. Select cell D2 and type the formula to determine the average weight of the gray wolf. Type exactly the following into the cell:


11. Copy the formula from cell D2 to D3.

· Select cell D2 and select Edit & Copy.

· Select cell D3 and then select Edit & Paste Special. Select Paste Values & Formulas then select OK.

12. Repeat step 11 to copy the formula to cells D4, D5 & D6.

13. Update chart to include Mean weight column. Double-click on the chart. Select General. Edit Chart Range - change C6 to D6 and OK.

14. Update the Dingo’s lowest weight to 30 and highest weight to 65. See how cell D6 automatically recalculates and chart updates automatically.

Create a spreadsheet – part 2

Lesson goals:

  • Enter data into a spreadsheet
  • Understand the concept of rows, columns, and cells
  • Choose an appropriate graph
  • Create a spreadsheet from scratch
  • Create a formula

1. Start Appleworks and select Spreadsheets.

2. Put a header in the spreadsheet with your name and today’s date. Select Format and Insert Header.

3. Enter the following data into the spreadsheet, starting with titles in row 1.




Under 5 years



5 to 9 years



10 to 14 years



4. Select Edit and then Select All.

5. Select Options and then Make Chart.

6. Experiment with different chart types from the Gallery, which type is the best to display this data?

7. Go to the web site U.S. Census Bureau Kids' Corner @ and find the population facts for the state of Virginia. Find out the correct population number for kids age 5 to 9 years in the year 2000 and update your spreadsheet. See how the chart automatically updates.

8. Add a column to calculate the change in population from 1990 to 2000. Use formula =C2-B2.

9. Add this column to your chart by double-clicking on the chart. Select General. Edit Chart Range - change D3 to D4 and OK.

10. Save your work on your memory stick.

11. Create a new spreadsheet.

12.Use the U.S. Census Bureau Kids' Corner to create a spreadsheet that compares the population trends from 5 different states for the 10-14 year category between 1990 & 2000. Remember to provide a title row.

13. Create a chart from this data. Which chart type is the best to display this data?

14. Add a column to calculate the increase or decreases in population between the 2000 and 1990 numbers. Create a formula that will calculate this for you.

15. Add this column to your chart.

16. Save your work on your memory stick.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This year we are trying out Learn2Type for Schools. It provides online access to keyboarding exercises as well as recording student progress online. We are using the free version, which will have some ads and we'll just need to see how annoying that is. A username, password, and class id are required to login.

Other online resources for keyboarding:

internet searches

Online Search Tips
  • Use as many keywords as possible to narrow down the results, but don't include articles like the, an, and.
  • If you don't find a useful website on the first page of results, you didn't provide the appropriate keywords.
  • If you want to type in a key phrase (more than one word) and have the search engine look for those words together, put them in quotes.
  • Once you have found a page, use your browser's Find feature to find a specific word on the page you are looking for.
  • A search engine, like Google, gathers results from all over the web without verifying it's validity or appropriateness. Therefore you are more likely to get junk in your results that you will need to filter out.
  • A directory service, like Ask Jeeves or Yahoo, gathers results from the web based on a list of sites it has approved. Therefore you may get fewer results, but hopefully more on topic.
  • A wiki, like wikipedia, is a collection of text and photos, nearly all of which can be visited and edited by anyone at any time. Therefore a wiki may have lots of information about some topics and little on others. Because it can be edited by anyone, you may need to validate information with other sources.
  • Do not copy and paste information from a website into your project. This is plagarism. Put the information you learn into your own words.
  • You always want to cite your sources, including websites where you learned information or found an image. Google is not a source, it is a search engine. The source is the web address where you found the information.
Keyword Challenge

Query Checklist
Use this checklist to build an optimal query

Search Challenges

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

internet safety

I always start the year by covering the topic of internet safety. There are many good resources online. I have created a safe user contract "borrowing" some good ideas from the local public school system. I review each item with the students and ask them to sign and take home for their parents to sign. I really want to get parents involved in the discussion of internet safety with their kids.

I also had the students go through Disney's Surf Swell Island safety quiz. It's really goofy (pun totally intended), but the kids get a kick out of it and it actually covers a lot of good info. Other good safety websites include: