Wednesday, November 14, 2007

simple machines (UE)

Working in pairs, you will each gather information about at least one of the following types of simple machines. Use the websites listed on the UE homepage like the Inventor's Toolbox.
· wedge
· screw
· inclined plane
· pulley
· lever
· wheel and axle

In OpenOffice, you will create a slide for each simple machine you investigate.
You should also have a title slide with your names and a Bibliography slide listing the website(s) where you learned information about your simple machine.
For each simple machine, write a definition IN YOUR OWN words (do not copy and paste text). You should also provide a drawing of the simple machine. You may use a picture from a website or draw a picture. Finally, describe an example of a simple machine.

Make sure that you also keep track of the websites where you learned information. The website addresses should appear on the final slide that is titled Bibliography. Copy the website address from the address bar (eg. and paste this info into your Bibliography slide.

Creating a slide
- Select Open Office Impress.
- Select File -> New and select Presentation.
- Select Empty Presentation and then select Create.
- Keep a white background, as I’ll be printing out your slides later.

To insert text
- Select the T at the bottom of the screen and then click anywhere in the slide to begin writing.
- You can modify the font by highlighting the text and selecting a new font or a new size.

To copy and paste an image
- Right-click mouse over image and select Copy Image.
- Go to slide and select Edit then Paste.

To draw an image
- Use the drawing tools at the bottom of the screen in Impress.

Create a new slide
- Select Insert and Slide

Remember, you should have 4 slides total:
- Title slide with your names
- Simple machine 1 slide with picture, definition & example
- Simple machine 2 slide with picture, definition & example
- Bibliography with website addresses where you learned information or copied pictures.

Save your presentation
- Select File and then Save As.
- Select Save In as the Z: drive
-Provide a file name with your first names (eg. KimTom) and select Save.

If you have time, you may work on Slide Transitions