Wednesday, September 26, 2007

intro to word processing (MS)

We're using Open Office suite on iMacs in middle school. Introduced students to Writer. Also had students connect to server to open the following practice document and save it to their thumbdrive.

Center This Title

Access this document from the server (instructions provided separately). Save this document onto your thumbdrive. Select File and then Save As. Ensure file is saving as Word doc and specify the location of your thumbdrive. Select Save when you are done.

Create a header with your name and the date and a footer with the page number. Select Insert and then Header -> Default. Type your name in the left hand corner and put the date in the right hand corner by selecting Insert and then Fields -> Date. Select Insert and then Footer -> Default. Select Insert and then Fields -> Page Number.

Put the following items in a list, by highlighting the text below and selecting Bullets.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

Change the font of this text to Comic Sans MS by highlighting the text and selecting the appropriate Font.

Change the font of this text to increase its size to 20 by highlihting the text and selectin Font Size of 20.

Select Table and then Insert and Table to insert a table into the document with 7 columns and 2 rows. Put the days of the week in Bold in the first row. Put next week’s corresponding dates in the second row.

Run a spell-check on this document to fix any misspellings by selecting Tools and then Spellcheck.

Use the Drawing tools. Select View and then Toolbars -> Drawing. The Drawing toolbar will appear at the bottom of your screen. Try adding text to your drawing.

Print this document and save it.

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